{ my best friend }

okay so I have know this girl forever it seems she moved onto my "turf" about 11 years ago I believe it is now. and she has been my best friend ever since we had matching outfits for the first day of school almost every year, our moms were best friends and so were we. we went on double dates with our moms all the time. 
she is an amazing dancer, a great musician, a loving friend, and an emotionless freak. 

[my reason behind her being an emotionless freak is not cause she doesn't have emotions cause she does. she's somewhat normal. but every year I only see her cry once, which some of you think it's a good thing..no no it isn't I cry like everyday of my life..I'm a baby what ever but she doesn't she NEVER cries, only at girls camp! so I cherish that moment everyone else is crying at testimony meeting during her testimony but not me I'm smiling and when I make her laugh my mom hits me..cray cray lady]

but her name is Ashleigh Marin Davis, she is new to the Alta High Drill team, she will be a junior  ( like me since we are only 16 days apart..not like anyone counted..) 

but she is the sweetest girl ever..boys as mentioned above she is sixteen call her up...(and me double dates are always fun) 

but we went on a little date tonight it was cute we:
-passed out fliers for her Drill fundraiser
-got lunch at Kneaders
-got dessert at u-swirl
-went to draper park for a little walk (ran into Teagan, Taylor, Katrina and Iann)
-went to the mall to check out BTT and to pick up my mermaid ring..it's pretty chill I'll post a pic on here sooner or later 
-then finally we saw the Katy Perry movie ( best parts: grandma, fart sounds, last friday night and Angie)

Well it's late and I'm tired im headed to the black and white game tomorrow to watch my little sister preform...see you there? 
Alta High-7 o'clock sharp :)

xoxo jordy


  1. What the heck! I thought when I saw this post, that for sure you were going to talk about me, but NOOOO… Ashleigh Davis! It's okay to talk about your sister (me) on here (ha, ha, just kidding!), but make sure it's all good. You've got a cute little blog here, I've missed seeing your face!

    And as everyone puts in everyone's yearbook "You're so cute! Don't ever change!" I mean it though! Love ya bunches Jordyn!

    1. Ginger...you are crazy! you are my best friend this one is just a fake cause her mom
      pays me to hang out with her!! :) but don't even worry you'll have a post soon enough!! :) I miss you when will you be "moved in/squatting" next door they are all moved out! come up!! ;)

  2. I second that sentiment Crystal. Where is my name other then to say I am a "crazy lady"???????


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