// my room \\

i would totally love to give you all a little virtual tour of my room but problem is, its nasty! its so dirty from over thnks giving break cause i didn't clean it once. i'm so gross i know, but i didn't have to do it because i was so busy with friends, family, eating, sitting on FB, insta, and twitter.. there just wasn't enough time but tonight i cleaned it.. wanna see some before and after pictures!

 my floor
 night stand
 closet 1
 closet 2
 closet 3
floor around dresser

i am so gross but don't worry look at it now..

total cleaning time: 20 minutes


my closet..clothes color cordinated (im that good) 
 desk..still kinda messy but its only my school stuff!
my bed MADE and dresser clean! :)

xoxo jordyn standage


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