// dad \\

my dad is a crazy kid let me tell ya.

1st of all he passed a super important test today at work! woohoo dad! :)

so he took the whole family out to texas roadhouse.. and man oh man there is nothing better in this planet than texas roadhouse rolls. they are like to die for! 

after dinner taylor and i headed over to the mall to do some christmas shopping since it is SO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS
hallelujah! it seems like time is going by so fast cause i swear just yesterday i was going to the Halloween dance.

but it was great we honked at some guys and they were super confused it was prime..

today was pretty great actually.
-i got hot chocolate with emily winegar and courtney keim 
 (can i just tell you they have the best stories)
-my dad passed
-we went to texas road house
-i got some christmas shopping done

tomorrow we basically are having a party in every class cause lets face it if they wanna try and teach us anything tomorrow NO ONE will remember it over the break #partytime

this monday has been a pretty good monday for me hope it has been for you as well! :)

xoxo jordyn standage 
