• stay away •

If you saw me today I probably looked like I wanted to kill someone. That's cause I was in the WORST mood ever! Last night was a terrible night! Long story.

First period was freezing and I never have anyone to walk out to seminary with :(
In English didn't get my project done! I was almost finished too. Now I have to come in early!
In math my brain was fried and I have a HUGE test on Thursday which basically will make or break my grade except I'm a terrible test taker and this chapter is so confusing. If you are good at Pre-Calc call me please!
For sports med I stayed up all night finishing 6 papers to turn in for Professional Development. STARLEY WASN'T THERE! Oh it made me so mad! + I walk outside again last period and it was still freezing.

But after school was the sun breaking through.

Anna got Jake Smith some birthday stuff and she got me some sweets + wrote me a note + got me a BALLOON! It was so great! It made me so happy!! Anban love you girl!

THEN Jess Bartholomew had a cupcake for Shay cause it was her birthday too. But something happened so she comes back to me and says here is to make your bad day better! It was a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles! Jess you are the sweetest! We need to hang out!

THEN Chrissy Mckell comes up and just says the sweetest things to me! Chrissy you are the greatest example ever! I love you girl!

Everyone was messing around after school with my balloon. And Powell did too but he messed with Jakes too much and it popped. So being such a great person ;) I went to give Jake mine! Powell I love ya bud. But jake... He's a little hasty! 

Most of you if you have a twitter and insta already saw these events but I haven't blogged lately and I am really slacking in having followers!!

PLEASE ADVERTISE THIS BLOG! I need more readers! FB, snap chat, twitter, insta, anything!

+ yesterday ( monday ) I was the hawk of the day! :) thank you whoever nominated me you are a great person! :)

xoxo Jordyn Standage

Wanna know what makes people's days? Notes. People need to write more notes!

Hope you all are having a better day than me.

p.s. thank you to Mikail Maires, Lundy Willes, Tayler Taft & an extra special to Candace and Ashleigh and an extra thanks to Anna and an EXTRA extra thanks to Natergator ;) and Sarbear! You all are great and are what's getting me through this week!
