\\ josh's wisdom teeth //

okay i know this is way super duper late and all but i still have to post about it cause it was probably the funniest thing to see josh so drugged up!

so he had a 20 minute video which was very entertaining, he had the hiccups, he talked about zosh, but most of all he was so out of it!

he had quite a few good/hilarious lines so naturally i kept a list of them and here it is! 

=Zosh is so much faster than Flash but Flash is better than Zosh because Zosh just rips off his shirt and punches Powell. Flash has a cool suit!
=He is going to have a new wife (did anyone know he had an old one?)
=He was hanging out with Ashley Simpson, Jordin Sparks, Ryan Gosling, and he is Josh Duhamel. 
=What are you an alien? Gross.
=bow bow bow lets get it on.
=I feel like an Autistic kid
=The people that made Alta Idol didn't even make Alta Idol (uhhh what?!)
= Sarah: How was the surgery?
  Josh: I don't know I wasn't there.
=Sarah likes to watch Sports Channel, so her husband will like her. (well hopefully he will..that could be awkward)
=I used to work at Scheels but i don't know if i do anymore.
=Ry and I were talking about fight night and he pipes in saying, "fight night?! yeah its at Cody Kershaw's house i got that text and i like like I'm down..but then i thought about it and was like...no.
=Wow Sarah you shirked on your duty
=[pointing to himself]this spells out swag from head to toe, s-w-a-g
=get your head in the game
=i really need to stop talking but its so much fun and i'm so funny.
=you can talk but not open your mouth (how does that work?)
=micheal jordan is just a little prick
=okay bye guys i'm going to talk to my aunt now (over instagram)
=im the only josh in the world call the others by their middle name cause they aren't real
=coach berry can't do that legally can he? he will get kicked out of the NBA (what the news to me coach berry is in the NBA)
=Sarah: did you wash your hands?
 Josh: of course i'm a big boy
 Ry: Wow Josh that's good
 Josh: but when no one is home im like ehhh 
(WARNINGyou may not wanna touch josh when he has been home alone) ;)
=Josh was going to show us the Harlem Shake video so sarah's like are you okay to get up, he says yeah duh and stands up to do jumping jacks. (not the brightest idea)

and here is my video of josh dancing along to the Harlem Shake

i hope you enjoyed this post.

xoxo jordyn standage

josh hope this isn't too embarassing! ;)


  1. I don't remember half of those things.....

  2. oh they definitely all happened..we were dying!

  3. My favorite is the s-w-a-g. But unfortunately I do not remember that....

  4. if only you remembered that! it was so funny cause you totally spelled it out and was dead serious! we should have just recorded you!


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