•• spiritual sunday || week 5 ••
-when can the gospel make us happy? When we have the right relationship with god!
-we can't do anything on our own, but that's okay because Heavenly Father knows us.
-we need to care for each other, teach others, be able to be taught and sit together with god.
-we gain knowledge of good vs. evil by praying to Heavenly Father
-everyone's challenges are customized to everyone individually but sometimes they make us come together
-before we were bodies we were spirits, before we were spirits we were intelligence.
-to prove: is to show by action
-when Satan has taken you over and bound you up he just walks away leaving you alone while laughing about it
-blessings aren't like a microwave put something in and ding you have blessings you have to work for them yet they are still inevitable
-even if you make mistakes gods road is still there, it has speed bumps and stop signs but it never comes to a dead end
-you always have a choice to make amends
=1 Nephi 11 the love of god
=Abraham 3:22 we were all intelligences before we were human
=Abraham 4:26 multiple gods are making a plan for us
=D&C 138:56
=2 Nephi 2:5-16
=LDS beliefs: Pre existence
=D&C 121:45
= D&C 121:34-36
=Joshua 24:15
=Moroni 7:14-15
=3 Nephi 27:27
=Isaiah 1:18
=Luke 18:22
- pray to Heavenly Father and have him help you with your burdens.
- read your scriptures daily
- attend the temple ( I am wanting to go every Saturday, does anyone wanna come with me? )
- look for god in everything you do.
- make good choices
- write a letter to a missionary
- live like you could leave on your mission tomorrow
- ask Heavenly Father for opportunities to serve
- live your life so that when you are prompted by the Holy Ghost you feel it and act on it
Good luck Bry, Nicole and Jev!
Xoxo Jordyn standage
Xoxo Jordyn standage
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