|| spiritual sunday: week 11 ||

slacking i know i know. i'm sorry. but sunday's are just crazy days you know how most people just say they laid down and did nothing. well i don't have sunday's like those!

today was an emotional day. (like the rest of this week) i have just been feeling the holy ghost so much this week its crazy. and when i feel the holy ghost i cry.

but today was nicole sousa's farewell.. this girl is so amazing and i look up to her so much! she's been in my ward the longest and has been that girl who always went to activities, and showed up to church with her family or with out. she has been the one to always share thoughts and conduct on wednesday night. she is amazing and one of the few people that i look up to. she is amazing and has such a strong testimony in the church. although it was hard for her to always come, it has inspired me. even though i don't go to YW a lot lately because of mission call openings and band preformances and stuff to support my friends. i miss it. i miss spending time with my ward girls. 

but i am changing my spiritual sunday ways.. you know those lists i gave you? well they don't really help anyone i mean the "notes" were just like one liners that you would tweet when you feel the need to. and the scriptures i bet most of you just skipped over that part. if you read them i am proud and i'll keep doing that for you. the challenges. did anyone do them? i wouldn't know.

but today i want to share my testimony of what i learned today. i was just on twitter and saw this quote. totally matches my life today. "...even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, god promises the hope of his light." that is from conference and in sunday school we learned that light will always trump darkness. if there is a light in the room it can't be dark, there is some light that touches ever part of the room. and that is like the gospel. the gospel should always shine everywhere on the earth. we haven't reached that yet because we don't have missionaries all over the world yet. but we are getting close and i can feel its coming. 

when you truly want to be converted you have to want it and you know you need it. when you are truly converted you have studied and pondered the scriptures, you have faith and you pray with sincerity and actually listen for an answer. being converted means that you aren't just mentally following christ but acting on prompting and listening to the holy ghost. you need persistence and patience to get you through the "process" of conversion. when you desire and want god in your life isn't enough, you need to actually do the work and will of God. daily you need to be thinking "who am i going to show extra love to today? who am i going to serve today? and what am i going to sacrifice today?" i love those three questions and we should ask them daily on what we can do to make the gospel spread because if our lives are centered on christ and his teachings nothing will ever go permanently wrong. when we center our lives on christ we get to know everyone around us. god knows us all and we should know and help others just has he did. but to speak to someones heart you must know their needs. (i tried this week to reach out to someone i thought needed help, they never responded to my question but i know i did what i was asked to do i just simply reaching out to them. and he can respond when is ready to and i will be here) when we do that we open a door for communication, god has already done that for us so by opening another door to someone else that is opening up the door to god for them as well. we can show them what they are missing and they can move on from there. god will call on us by name and tell us what our work for him on earth is when the time is ready for the work to come to life. we are sent here to figure out what we need to do that will annoy satan to no end. we are gods hands and we need to act.

when you finish the book of mormon you may have many different feelings. you may have this overwhelming feeling that the church is true or you will have just a sense of peace. one isn't better than the other. for the overwhelming feeling you are just finding out the church is true and you believe it and its made clear for you and that is amazing and is helping you with your conversion. on the other hand that peaceful feeling you may feel is also a good feeling. its a feeling of reassurance and peace that is just confirming what you already know is true and that you still believe it. you don't need that overwhelming feeling to tell you that you got something from reading the book of mormon what you need is to apply what you learned from the book of mormon to your life to know that you got something for yourself. the scriptures are like letters from home. you miss your family so you read them to see how they are, well god is telling you his "timeline" do you really care enough to read it?

here are the scriptures i got from today: 2 nephi 3:12&15, Ezekiel 37:15-17, Mosiah 4:16, 1 nephi 3:7, 3 nephi 27:28-29, matthew 7:7

xoxo jordyn standage

p.s. i am going to get caught up on my other notes from weeks past this week i promise! 
