|| check that one off ||

so as most of you know i didn't make senator, thanks ben for delivering my candy and letter! I am so sad because my Alta Student Government dreams are officially terminated. But guess what! Although my #1 and #2 dreams for high school havent come true my dream of PLT still has a light at the end of the tunnel. so does my hope of traveling to India with YMAD. we find out this weekened and i am freaking out, Eden please send out the letters ASAP cause i might have a heart attack!!

-Senior Pres.

i haven't given up yet on doing something in highschool! i am determined and honestly nothing is going to stop me from reaching my goals.

I have learned patience, perserverance and dedication. And now i know who I really am, i know my voice and its a voice of pain and victory. I am Jordyn Standage and nothing will change that. 

we all have lists and god has one too. He has crossed 4 things off my list that i obviously wasn't meant to do, and i am thankful for the opportunity to go through that, yeah i am still super bummed that i didn't make it. But i am so proud of Max Johnson, Tripp Affleck, Justin Hunt, Maicy Gardner, and Kamiel Sumsion. They are amazing people and i just hope that even though they will be busy with Student Gov. stuff that we will have time to hang out and have fun cause they are great people and i admire all of them and everyone else who make Student Gov in someway!

Just cross your fingers for PLT and YMAD now for me!

xoxo jordyn standage
