\\ final decision \\

i have chosen. the verdict is that corner canyon will be my home for the next year! I am so excited but so sad to leave some friends at Alta but i'm feeling really good about Corner Canyon. I'll just need a few friends cause all mine are staying like Ash, Can and Anna! Idk what i am going to do with out them but hopefully i will survive. I have already had kids say i should come crash alta's dances, (uhhh of course) Also nate promised i could be the bad guy in some of his videos so thats pretty cool!

This past month has been CRAZY like literally i have no time to breathe at all between running for SBO, senior class, babysitting, applying to be a lifeguard, going to lifeguard training (monday-friday:4-9 saturday 9-5), trying out for PLT, having my 20 something bloody noses, brothers soccer and baseball games, studying for finals, driving my siblings everywhere, YMAD and now sorting toys and lifeguard training everyday again. Our pool opens this Saturday and its getting so real to me that SUMMER IS SOON! finally. i have been ready for summer since the first day of school! but having to do all these things have really made me realize who is there for me to support me through the hardest times i have had so far. 

i want to give out a huge shoutout to anna stuart. this girl is perfect, no joke perfect, she is the nicest girl, says hi to everyone, makes everyone feel welcome, compliments everyone, and always has a smile on her face (even when i know she is in pain) she always stays strong and is so nice to me even when i have stupid boy problems that aren't even problems i just am a complainer so she listens and tells me this kid is stupid and i agree then i go back the next week. she puts up with my crap. and i would like to thank you so much, for the hike for the balloons for everything you're the best friend ever!

Also a huge shout out to Ashleigh Davis, this girl she has been my friend for my entire life it feels like, she is so sweet and even though i wasn't supportive of her at first cause i was having a pitty party about me not making PLT, she did!! ASH IS ON PLT! i am so excited for her to do it, she loves kids, kids love her shes outgoing (sometimes ;) she is the perfect fit for PLT! and she is always trying to get me on the positive side, and even though when we tried going to different schools before it didn't really work with our friendship, if she forgets me i might die! ashbash i am still your "older sister" and you better invite me to hang out all the time or else i might die cause i am so sad!

but there were many other comforting words from Ry and a few other seniors that have already been through everything i have and i just want to thank them as well. I love you guys and will cry at graduation cause i am going to be so sad you are leaving for 2 years (well the boys, but the girls are soon too) 

thank you everyone who has reached out to me through texts, facebook messages, twitter DMs, and face to face you guys are great. I am back to my happy self and honestly better than ever!

xoxo jordyn standage 
