// longest week ever \\

this week was the longest week ever. from senior class elections, YMAD interviews, PLT interviews, 9 bloody noses, Iron Man 3, baseball games, to my uncles graduation. Its been a mad house this week and i am so excited for it to be over. 

Senior class. i didn't make it, but slowly i am getting over that fact.

YMAD: my interview went amazing i think and i can't wait to hear from them.

PLT: i think my interview went amazing. i mean i did do a one man reenactment of katniss, peeta and the dogs on the cornucopia and if i say so myself it was pretty amazing! 

9 bloody noses: my mom still hasn't taken me to the doctors...so idk what to say about this one except i am so done having them.

Iron Man 3: we went to see it Thursday with Ry, Spence, Can, Ash, Jake, Josh, Me, Sarah and Powell. it was amazing other than the fact i got a bloody nose as soon as it ended.

baseball games: my brothers baseball game last night was the longest thing of my life. and does anyone know when the next home alta game is? i wanna go! 

uncles graduation: my uncle Paul graduated from the U (gross) and i am so proud of him, even though i couldn't go!

and today Anna banana the best person ever came to get me from my house, blindfolded me and took me on a hike with balloons. at the top of the hill we let them go saying goodbye to all my problems and then i got to keep the cute yellow one because it sybolizes all my blessings in life, and can i just say that even though she made me cry and i hate crying i love her. She is such an amazing girl and i love her so much cause she puts everyone before herself. i mean she came all the way up to no mans land to get me and take me on this cute adventure! anban i love you babe! thank you. but you also suck because while i am home alone you are on a date. i wanna go on a date..hook me up woman! :)

xoxo jordyn standage 

the girl who keeps looking up and not giving up!

"i may be a cleat chaser but i'm looking for a man who is a church chaser" 

(don't forget to comment, text, FB, tweet me to tell me how you like the blog :) )
