|| meet the co(twerk)ers ||

honestly i am contemplating going to LP cause i would get to be around more of these people. i love them. my coworkers are better than anyone else's i can guarantee that 100%. 

lets get to know some of them.

josh: i feel like i should start with berbs cause i have seen him the most these past 3 or so weeks. he is one of the funniest kids and even though he thinks i hate him i don't its just fun to mess around with him. he is a way cool kid when he isn't splashing me.. 

there he is getting corn rows by aanika

david: there is way to much to say about david..but lets start with we are enemies. we are always making fun of each other and attempting to push each other in the pool but its a fun time!! we are going to tandem bike to work together one day and that is when our friendship will start, until then he will change the language on my ipod and i'll throw his shoes in the pool..but in reality david is one of the funniest kids i've met. follow him on vine and you'll know what i mean 

this is the picture he changed as my ipod background..i haven't changed it.

  Jess: she goes to college at SUU, her best friend was one of my wardies. she got bit by a shark (a bus shark to be exact) she is just a fun person.

excuse the screen shot idk how to crop it on blogger.
but this is courtney on the left and jess on the right 

sayer: she goes to college at Utah State (Yeah aggies) she lives on a compound with camels, peacocks, a deer, a billion birds, a perfect kiss bridge, a pool, a swingset. everything. sayer is always dancing and singing. she will dance even when she is on guard, we call it the slayer, she has her own dance move. 
again excuse the screenshot but sayer is the one with her foot up kicking you.

aanika: some of you may know her. she went to alta. shes graduated and she may be one of my favorite people ever. when she is in a crazy mood everyone is fighting to be around her. she is hilarious and has the best taste in music! (+ a fun fact, we were instagram "friends" before we actually knew each other in person)

there she is. what a beauty. (but really though she is gorgeous!

christian: he has the coolest car out of everyone i work with..and i feel like if i hang out with him more i could actually tell you something about cars. he is a blast to be around and i'm sad he thinks i hate him..i don't. he is a fun time, and i'm totally his girlfriend/mistress i don't really remember but i'm in competition with olivia, thats all i know for sure. berbs is in there somewhere too.

christian loves small goggles!

Chandler: he is a punk. he threw me in on the 4th of july when christian and josh couldn't. he did he picked me up and threw me in..so other than being on my hit list he is such a cool kid. we teach swim lessons together and we have the best class ever! he has a hummer and is blast to hang out with (When he does hang out with the lifeguards)
this is when he was yelling at me to stop vining him..i didn't.

janessa: i kinda feel like she is my older sister. like i could go to her with any problems and she would give me the best advice. she is going on a mission to bolivia and i couldn't be more excited for her. she just got back from a humanitarian trip in africa so i know that she really could be my older sister. she has such a sweet spirit about her and i am really glad michele got her to come lifeguard this summer. 

(i don't have a picture of her but don't worry there will be one)

eli: every work place should have someone like eli, (they wouldn't be as great as him but they could try) eli is so much fun and he always has stories to tell. like last night he was telling us ghost stories after watching the movie in the park. and the night before that we were basically killing him with a laugh attack, but it  was his fault cause he kept making us laugh which made him laugh it was just a good night. but also he is the sweetest kid he kinda keeps everyone inline at work!! (+ he is my "gay" friend.. he isn't really gay but when he pretends its the best thing)

eli is the one on the left poking my ipod and david is on the right.

madi: madi is a sweetheart, i obviously knew her before this job but i just love her. she is always doing the funniest things like looking up dogs that don't shed. she is so fun to be around and has some pretty good advice if i say so myself. also she is going to Utah State which is way cool cause i want to go there too. madi is just the best! 

(i don't have a picture of madi either but most of you know her madi holt girlfriend of josh hogan. yeah you know her)

nieman: (that's not really his name. his name is josh but we already have a josh so he is nieman) everyone and i mean everyone LOVES nieman, especially aanika. he is just plain funny. except he has joined the boys in making fun of me which isn't cool but i guess its okay cause he is nieman. you should really be around him when he is tired cause its the funniest thing ever. he has two signature faces and her is one of them. 

isn't he just a cutie??
zach: zach is so quiet sometimes but when he talks (or vines) he is the funniest person ever! like honestly. i remember one day i was so tired and my eyes were swollen cause of my allergies and michele (my boss) was freaking out telling me she can cover my shift if i wanted to go home. and scott was asking me constantly if i was okay. i was fine my eyes were just red cause i was itching them and i was outside. but zach was head guard after that and every 5 minutes when he would walk the deck he would come ask me if i was okay. i was always fine but he would ask anyways just cause he is a good guy. + he wears a cowboy had on guard which is pretty cool if you ask me.
i don't even know how to caption this photo..

and to end off this post 

michele:  michele is my supervisor and she is the best person. she is so nice and understanding and i am so happy she is my supervisor. to he 100% honest i was kind of scared of her at training cause i thought i may not get the job but i did and i love it! she has only gotten mad at me twice and that was cause i was goofing off which is totally understandable as to why she got mad at me. but like i said in zach's post she offered to come in and work for me cause my eyes were so messed up. she lets us goof off after hours and make rafts with the tubes and break all the hot tub rules. she is so awesome and her kids..oh my heck they are the cutest. jacob i just want to squeeze him cause he is adorable. thanks for everything michele! :)

well these are the lifeguards i work with (only some of them, but these are the ones i have really gotten to know!)

well now i have to get ready for work so i'll post about my day yesterday sometime later today or tomorrow.

xoxo jordyn standage
