|I love this|

My senior year is honestly way more than anything I could have asked for. My prayers were answered and I have some best friends Idk what I could do with out them!

This past Wednesday I was able to go to cookies end of the year cheer showcase,  she did amazing as always,  cookie is the cutest!! She knew where we were so she cheered to us, it was so cute. Sophie and I were so tired we were adding the stupidest things but ya know its whatever!! We had quite the crowd,  Kaleb, Brigham, emily, sam,  Tim, natalie,  Sophie,  and Channy p. It was hilarious,  we are so funny!! After we got our cute pictures with her and then we headed out.  She did so awesome and I love that girl! Now she's at nationals and I think she said she took 6th? Congrats bengals that's awesome!

On Friday I Babysat the world's cutest kids! Ronan and Chris,  oh they are adorable! After that I went to sams house for a ymad sleepover, when I got there they were out in the back Channy p was in his watermelons amd in the hot tub and everyone was sitting around our playing Frisbee, I love nights like Friday,  just hanging out outside cause it was such a nice night! I just would like to apologize to Channy p my Sass level was so high that night and he got most of it ;)  after awhile we went inside and Kaleb was trying to tell us a story. But between Austin, Brigham,  emily,  Audrey,  Emma,  brooke, sam and blake we couldn't be quiet so he never finished it. Then the boys left and phebe came and the girls watched dirty dancing, we'll I didn't I was out maybe 5 minutes into it.

We woke up and went to the festival of colors with 3 kids that went to jibhi last year,  on the way there we were talking about India and I died,  like I am so excited to go 11 days,  NEXT WEEK. At The fastball of Cola we had a blast and probably took a billion pictures,  we were on the news if you saw that yeah that was me and my team!! After the festival I was exhausted but my mom wanted to see Divergent and there is no way I was going to pass that up. I showed for 30ish minutes to get the ugly after festival Brown color off then I took an hour nap,  then went to the movie.. Theo James is so hot freak,  that movie was so good I definitely recommend it!!  After I got home I went to bed I was asleep around 930, that was a first in maybe a month and a first for a Saturday in probably 4 months,  I always pau on the weekend but this weekend I slept,  now I feel great!

Our parent meeting is tonight I am kinda freaking out cause I'm so excited!! Ahhhhhhh

Xoxo jordie
