| exhausted yet not |

ATTENTION all future YMADers be prepared for many nights of exhaustion but you can't sleep because of excitement. I was up till 3 looking at the village i was going to in India on google i was so excited on Sunday I couldn't sleep a wink and that had happened multiple nights before then as well not 3 am but 1 or 2. But FYI if you have a lot of those nights the week before you leave you'll probably end up like me, and go to bed at 5 sleep till 10 wake up eat and go back to bed at 11 until 7. and it will be the best thing of your life. That happened to me yesterday and today I was so out of it, or maybe that was because I was stuck doing the HOSA blood drive all day. Which is fun when people come in, but when everyone is involved in spring sports then its not so fun and you sit in there and go crazy cause of how boring it was!

Anyways I haven't been blogging on here much because I have been blogging on my YMAD blog, because YMAD has been the only thing on my mind these past few weeks. And I started something for my team and I have to finish it before Friday when we leave. I am determined because tomorrow and thursday are the last 2 days and it fits perfectly on my time schedule!!

GUYS I LEAVE ON FRIDAY THIS IS SO SURREAL STILL i think it will finally hit me when I am at the airport in the morning!!

Short and sweet today because nothing but YMAD has happened to me! :)

xoxo Jordie
