sorry I haven't posted on here in forever I swear, yeah i posted a few days ago but that was just a reblog from my YMAD one.
I am going to try to explain to you what happened in India. But words can't describe what happened over there.
first of all after about 50ish hours of straight traveling (planes and buses) we finally arrive in Jibhi, its late when we get there and we have to go teach the next day so we all head to bed! Monday morning we are all giddy to go meet our kids. I had the honor of going to the Thanah school, which was a challenge because I hurt my ankle earlier in the airport. But my 15 minute hike was so worth it! On the first day we get up to the school and kids are saying their prayers, it was really cool to see that on the first day. After they came and said Namaste to us and kissed our feet we met as a group for the first time, it was unreal. I was in India with kids I had only met for 10 or so minutes and they had already stole my heart, and I wasn't going to fight them to take it back, it was theirs.

We got them to open up really fast, they were crazy and out of control by the second day! Each day with the kids was just more amazing than the day before. I loved teaching them, I honestly have no idea what it was that I did but the kids were so amazing in lessons for me, they never goofed off (well they did, but i never had to use the timeout mat!) They sat through my lessons everyday perfectly and I loved it! Well until the last day of lessons, which was our review day but by then I wasn't going to play bad guy and we just took pictures and played in the dirt and rocks outside the school. They loved it and I loved just being able to watch them play.
Let me tell you about a few of my favorites.

Sunita- She's 3 and she's my baby girl. Ever since the first day she has been my girl, she latched onto my neck and I literally had to pry her off every single day. I wish I could have just kept her and taken her back to Jibhi camp with me everyday so we could just play all night! By the end of the week with the kids I fell in love with this little girl. She loved being a little monkey and climb on my back or shoulders. My favorite thing about her was how when she would see me she would run into my arms and say hi didi and my heart would literally melt. She was such a punk and would punch me but I would tickle her and then she would freak out and hug me cause she knew if she hugged me I couldn't tickle her. I honestly could tell you so much more about her but I will stop here because I am almost in tears right now.
Putshotum-He didn't really latch onto me until one of the last days. But when he did it was the cutest. He would always come up to me and grab my hand and say hi jordie. When we would get in group circles to play games with the kids he would run over and sit next to me. Which was a huge step because all the boys LOVED Steven and Tanman because they would rough house with them, while the rest of the girls would hold onto the girls! But Pushotum didn't he came over to me and that made my day! He was so smart, but he wouldn't ever talk, none of the kids really would you had to pry out responses from each of them! He was an angel and I cherish the flowers he gave me on the last day! :)

Durga, Kashyla, and Lalita-the too cute threesome. They were always together and I can't tell you if that was a good thing or a bad thing. They were so smart and helpful when they would pay attention, but little girls in India are the same as they are in the US, they love to talk and not pay attention. These 3 loved holding your hand and would help you in anything you needed! It was amazing how much they were willing to do for our YMAD team. My favorite memory of these 3 would easily be the last day, on the first day in someones lesson they learned happy, and they would point to their smile and say happy. But on the last day I was crying and Lalita was the first to do it but she came up to me and wiped the tears from my eyes and said happy, which obviously made me cry more because she is so amazing. But then throughout the goodbyes all 3 of my girls did it at least 5 times. They are some of the smartest girls I know. I really hope they get to grow up and do something they love, the deserve it, they worked so hard to learn with us. By the end of the week they were talking in full sentences with us!

Rinku-he was a little trouble maker but he wasn't a distraction he just wanted some love. He sat on my lap a few times and it was adorable he would throw his arm around my neck pull me down and kiss my cheek, and would wait until i kissed his back, then he would keep doing it until i tickled him to get him to let go of my neck. He always looked so out of it and didn't really seem to know what was going on a lot of the time but when you yelled his name he would turn around look at you and get the biggest purest smile you will ever see, then he would run to you and give you a big hug! He was such a stud and I absolutely LOVED the pink flower coat he wore everyday, it just fit him so well!!
Pink Team Piglets
Steven-I honestly didn't get the chance to know Steven to well but I could see that the kids loved hanging all over him all the time!
Brooke-I love this girl so much, I know she has my back! She is one of the funniest girls ever, she is so beautiful and amazing with the kids, they honestly flocked to her for love! It was the most amazing thing I have seen. She also supported me through my stupid ankle, she was so uplifting to me and I honestly don't know what I would have done if she wasn't on the pink team.
Emily-aka mountain goat. She is perfect, its amazing how much she can do, the little girls loved her and so did the guys cause she was just like steven and tanner and they climbed all over her! It was amazing. On the last day teaching the kids when I was having the hardest time getting to the top of the mountain she got all the kids to chant Jordie and I was just bawling but it was honestly the best moment of my entire life, like not even getting married will be able to top that moment! She just genuinely cares about everyone but she can dish out sass at the same time. I love her so much and am so glad I got closer to her this trip because she taught me so much!
Tanner-He honestly is my brother. Sunita had a twin Shabu and it was literally a fight everyday on who got the twins, we decided to share and I took Sunita but it was amazing to see him with Shabu and Sunita. He is going to be the best dad when the time comes because hes just the greatest! His girls are going to be spoiled I can tell you that for sure! I look up to him so much, and when we had to say goodbye to the kids that whole day I couldn't look at him cause i would see the twins and it would just make me so sad because there is no guarantee that we can ever see them again. I hope that if I ever get the chance to go back to Jibhi that Tanner will be there with me. I wish we lived closer so I could see him all the time. I know everyone else misses their favorite kids but Tanner and I miss our twins more than anything I promise you that! He is so great and I love when he texts me or goes through and likes all of my FB pictures of the twins. Hes an amazing example to me and I love him so much! I am so happy he was a piglet with me!
Cookie-my sister. She honestly is my older sister. She listens to me when I am crying she laughs at me when I get hurt, she pigs out with me, and teases me but also loves me. Cookie was at my hip the entire 2 weeks and I couldn't be more grateful for her. She is my idol and I learned so much from her. She is a spaz and sassy but I LOVE IT! I got to ride an elephant with her and lets just say we had so much fun on our limping elephant! I have too much to say about this girl that I don't even know what to say. She is so amazing and I love her to death. I love when she says good morning to me! And i really hate that i don't see her 24/7 anymore. She is my other half!

And a few non pink team piglets that need a shout out!
Atalee-she was one of my roomies and I loved having her in our room even though he was barely in there when I was in there or she was asleep. Sophie and I tried letting her sleep with us one night because she told us that she slept in the same spot, so i trusted her, the next night she was out. she broke our trust, she punches and takes up so much of the bed. but its okay cause we love her. Atalee is so nice she cares about everyone and wants to make sure everyone is always okay! I love it, she is like a mom and its cute! i love her!
sophia-sophia is a freaking weirdo, like i honestly don't know why i even talk to her.. just kidding i do its cause i love her and she is funny. ever since we got back we have been texting 24/7.. and by 24/7 i literally mean 24/7. she is hilarious and was my bed buddy. I loved it. I loved our girl talk in the morning when we would wake up early and go chill in the kitchen. she is so funny. especially late at night and she just yells weird stuff in her sleep! ahaha she kills me, but i couldn't have asked for a better room mate. :) I love her and miss her sleeping by my side more than you'll ever know!
jake-jake is such a stud, let me tell ya! We hung out before we went to India and he was kinda funny before but geez india hit and he was on a roll he was hilarious! Every night we were the last two in the kitchen basically every night. we were playing this game called perudo because jake is addicted and no one else would keep playing with him. because he won every single round. it wasn't fun until I beat him and I found out i could actually win. He also makes a very good pillow on buses and planes! He has become one of my favorite people, and I didn't think I would ever say I miss playing Perudo with him but I do. Even though i lose 90% of the time it was actually pretty funny. especially when i got 5 1's and he FREAKED! that was easily one of the funniest moments of the entire trip! He's a great guy and I miss seeing him all the time!

I just realized I typed way more than i expected too..
Well a lot more happened but I can't put it into words, I feel like the whole trip was a you had to be there moment.
I love you all so much, but right now I wish i was back in Jibhi with my Shaanti family and I know they all feel the same way cause when we are up at 3am cause of jet lag we all say the same thing!!
xoxo Jordie
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