I am now a Corner Canyon High School Alumni.. what?

That is so weird for me to say because I swear just yesterday I was walking into Alta High School for the first time as a baby sophomore, now I walked out of Corner Canyon High School as an alumni.

Can I just tell you about my high school career?

Sophomore year:
I came to school on the first day of school with no best friends. I had friends cause we had all just come from the same middle school but I had no best friends from middle school anymore. I was terrified until Ashleigh and Candace came to my rescue, we had the best year together and have so many memories that were some of the funniest ones I have. I mean its not everyday when Ashleigh has lettuce come out of her nose! But sophomore year ended and I spent the summer with those two girls and geez we were a good time.

Junior year:

I had two best friends that I loved more than life itself. And at the Halloween dance we adopted Sarah into our friend group and the 4 of us were trouble. We were crazy, literally crazy, especially on the road cause Sarah was a crazy driver! But the end of junior year came, and I decided to go to Corner Canyon. Why? I had no clue at the time. But I did. and my Junior summer I hung out with my coworkers and thats about it, but I didn't mind at all because they are some of the greatest people I know!

Senior Year:
I walked into Corner Canyon and it was not Alta at all. You could see everything because there were windows everywhere. I felt like a freshman again because I walked in without the Senior Advantage that my friends at Alta did. I walked in kinda nervous of how it would all play out. But Cassie and Emily took me in and then I met the Lees and it was instant Best Friends with those girls. Senior year was the most amazing thing of my life. From meeting my best friend to homecoming royalty to GOING TO INDIA. I wouldn't have even been able to imagine what I did this year 5 years ago, honestly I couldn't even have imagined it 1 year ago.

Here is how I imagined my high school career, no lie i really did. Don't judge me.
Sophomore Year:
Make Student Government and be cool and blah blah blah.

Junior Year:
Make cheer and have some cute football boyfriend as well as be on PLT

Senior Year:
Be an Alta SBO and on PLT
that's how I wanted high school to be for me. i am so glad it didn't. even though i wish i was an SBO at Corner Canyon i decided to switch too late so that didn't happen. but its okay. Making each one of those things would have been amazing and i would have loved it but i wouldn't have been able to experience everything that i did have a chance to experience!

High School was fun once I found where I was supposed to be.
And honestly after that Grad Night Party (yeah i went to grad night instead of pepperwood, bite me) I will miss high school so much, I will miss my cute junior girls and Austin my favorite Junior ever!
Corner Canyon was a dream. I didn't get what I thought I needed but I was ASL President, HOSA President, a PLT member, a Newspaper Editor, Top 6 for homecoming royalty, on the silver powderpuff team that took 3rd out of 12 or so teams, won the hungar games for the seniors in the spirit bowl, senior most likely to become a super senior, able to go to India with YMAD.
To you new seniors out there.
LIVE IT UP. GET INVOLVED. If you aren't in a leadership position who cares? Go to every football game, support the soccer team, go watch drill at State, start a club or whatever you wanna do. just get involved have school spirit. (stand up during your school song even if you don't know it..
cough cough corner canyon, you guys were terrible) that's my advice to you. + failure is okay. it really is. I tried out for cheer for 3 years, Student government
(secretary twice and president once), SBO, PLT for 2 years and guess what i lived, i got off my butt and went to every football game, every dance, every after school activity we had and i loved it all.

find your friends and get involved. (inside your school and globally :) )
xoxo jordie
p.s. my best friends this year are what got me through and
made this year memorable. i love you guys
special shout out to Andrea Cook, Jacob Van Skyhawk, Tanner Ashby, Sophia Wilson, Atalee Smith, Ashley Lee, Brandon Mortensen, Josh Miller, Chandler Ewell, Hunter Mott, Tanner Jensen, Nick Thorsen, Morgan Judd, Cassie Conrad, Emily, Alex, Brinley, Alyssa, Mel, Ashley, Beaner, Courtney, Nikki and my boys of Tom Cruise. for being the greatest people through out this year! I honestly couldn't have done it with out you dorks!

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