| sweets |
i don't know what else to post right now, the boys are gone, and i work 24/7 before i move TOMORROW..
so until then, you get this post.
get to know me:
< i'm 18 years old
< i'm going to be a freshman down at Snow College
< i love the smell of vanilla
< i love anything outdoors, hiking, swimming, biking, anything
< surprises are the greatest
< online shopping is so terrible, i always spend too much time and money.
< i am somehow always connected in a love triangle, always.
< when people play with my hair i die a little inside
< cuddling is easily the greatest thing ever invented
< country and indie music are my jams
< i have no idea what i want to do with my life yet
< if you call me jordie i will probably love you
< i went to india and fell in love with a school full of kids that i will never forget
< my best friends are josh and christian
< i love utah and all of its beauty but i'm excited to explore.
< i have a sock collection that is growing rapidly
< if my nails aren't painted all the time, i kinda go insane
< grilled cheese and pasta are my two favorite foods
< but the best meal i could ever have is a burger from in n out, fries from astro burger and a shake from smash burger. one day i will have that perfect meal
thats about it for now..
more to come later
xoxo jordie
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