| lifeguard life |

the classic lifeguard moment happened yesterday. 
this group of teenage boys came in to the AC and were "showing off" their cool flips and what not on the diving boards, and they all told me i was beautiful. two even came back to get my number.. it was so awkward. i mean they are teens. next time when they ask me how old i am i am going to say 20 so i don't have to deal with that ever again. it was just so awkward..  

guys DON'T do that to random girls unless you are getting the same vibe from them. otherwise its just super embarrassing for both of you. i mean Tanner and Ben were both trying to help me and were laughing at me and it s so awkward. 

after that i went hot tubbing with nicole and her cute roommates and jake for a little while. then i came home and went to bed because i have been so freaking tired lately its insane. but i'm makin money, makin friends, keeping good grades, and getting enough sleep. (maybe not in the night but still is sleep) i have conquered college.. for now at least i'll just wait and then it will conquer me.

+ a little note on the side. i truly hate college couples. like what its been a month since we have started you can't be serious. some people that graduated this year are getting engaged already and its so annoying..people calm the heck down.

i love you but no..

xoxo Jordie
