| manners |

shout out to the girl in the library that is getting mad at the librarian because she forgot her license, and id card at her apartment and can't check out a book. shut up. its not obnoxious at all, you're the stupid one who 
1 didn't write her 4 page essay before the day it was due (its due in 10 minutes) 
2 didn't buy the book 
3 forgot her id and drivers licence 
4 woke up late
get over it! if you are really that dumb and wait til 10 minutes before class to bs a 4 page paper that doesn't even have potential to be good because you have no time to write it. don't freak out at the librarian worker that is just rude, its not her fault you are dumb. 

ugh people are so rude. and the girl was new at her job so she didn't know the rules that well so she went to get her "manager" and the girl wanting the book was like oh really you got your manager? thats obnoxious, you didn't need her i go here can't i just sit here and read the book?

the manager let her have it and i'm so glad she did because that girl is rude. and i hope she gets a horrible score on her paper because she deserves it. but enough on that.

right now as we speak THE ERIN OLDROYD is sitting next to me, earlier today she was passing me and taking pictures of me in the library, now she is watching vines next to me because she doesn't like talking to me ;) just kidding erin is freaking hilarious! and i love her so much!

Can i just vent to you a little bit more in this post? about GUYS IN EPHRAIM. 
they are so great and handsome and country and everything BUT
Its starting to get to me.. there are a few guys that i have met that are super cute and they all have my name and i'm sorry but i'm not going to be one of those people that date someone with the same name. yeah they may be super cute and all but that just isn't going to happen man. 
it also sucks because people are always yelling jordyn down the street or something but its never to me and that sucks but i'm getting used to it. 
(if you go to snow and yell jordyn and i don't respond i'm sorry i'm just starting to tune it out)

HAHAHAH the girl who was freaking out at the librarian just had her computer die.. so that takes care of her. shes gone and grumpier than ever. i hope she learns not to be rude and to not procrastinate.. idiot. 

tonight i have powderpuff practice at 6 then FHE at 7 and the cocoa cozy later. 
that's about it for now though.

xoxo Jordie
