This weekend was nuts.. like straight up crazy!

Friday started out pretty lazy, Bailee and I went to the store and got some food because I was straight up out of food. Then we just kinda hung around with Chase, Eric, Cris and us girls. Then we decided to drive out to Salina for a 3 am Dennys run. It was hilarious. and so much fun, these guys are awesome. oh + chase pinned me on the ground and taped my arms and legs and the videos were hilarious!

Saturday I was up at 9 even though I didn't get home til 4 am that morning. I was running on 5 hours of sleep and that wasn't good enough for me. At like 1 am I went over to Bailees and we went on an hour adventure because I needed to get out of the house. I was going insane. (I can't just sit somewhere. like with C$ and Josh we were just chillin out side on all of our midnight talks or we went and got food we just needed to do something and be outside.

i LOVE being outside its just so fresh and nice) we went up the canyon and then stinkin chase decided to shoot me with a gun in the woods because he is just that kinda kid and does stuff like that. but i love him and he is so hilarious. after that we came and watched the U of U USC game and guess what guys the UTES WON.. WHAT UP!

that night bailee and I wanted to watch Hocus Pocus and so we pushed out couches together and Cris came over and watched it with us and we all fell asleep there. and woke up today we went to church then i came home and cleaned my house, ahh i don't know why but i just love that feeling of everything being pristine and clean. Chase came over for a couple hours before we had dinner at bai's and we were just chillin. For our cute family dinner tonight we had hamburgers thanks to Chase, corn thanks to NOT Eric, condiments thanks to Bailee, Drinks thanks to Cris and I made dessert afterwards. Then everyone started coming home and i found out some news that happened this weekend and not going to lie, one of my friends i found out isn't really one of my friends and she oversteps lines too much.
and now rn. i am chillin in bed writing this blog about the greatest weekend ever.
it was the greatest weekend ever, not because it did all that stuff but because I got to spend it with my best friends. its funny because Mike was downstairs and she saw Bailee and I talking and asked if we knew each other before. and we were like nope. and she was like wow it seems like you guys have known each other for forever. that's what i love about bailee is that we became instant friends, and we are lesbian lovers and its just so awesome, she is one of the greatest girls i have ever met. BUT she kills me because she is so perfect i swear! Bai is my bae and i love her so much.. don't worry I'll probably do a get to know you post about my new friends down here. but all you have to know is that Bailee is the cutest, Eric is a cowboy, Cris doesn't beat me up, Connor makes fun of me in every way except my socks, Lauren is a freaking saint because she's perfect, and Chase is basically C$ millionaire and Berbs in 1 person. and i love them all..
xoxo Jordie
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