leather - girl

so..today i had a huge realization.

i am a leatherholic.

look and see for yourself. its true. 

^^ I love leather.
I have three backpacks 

one full leather - Eddie Bauer 
one blue/creme - Chicos (not pictured) 
one Striped - Target

one bag - India 
(not real leather, but i still love it cause it looks like leather and cause its from India)

one wires + headphones holder - this is ground

one tablet case - this is ground

two wallets

one striped - Wet Seal
one plain - J. Crew

one watch - Arvo

one cell phone case/wallet - this is ground

two pairs of boots

one light brown - forever young shoes
one black - forever young shoes (not pictured)

^^ wallet, boots, bag, tablet case, arvo watch,
wire holder, india bag, backpack, wire holders,
arvo holder, wallet, phone case
 and I can promise you I am not done with my leather obsession.

I love the smell of leather, the feel of leather and the look of it. it just makes me feel so classy and professional. i don't know what about it that makes me feel that way but it just does. 

please tell me you all love leather as much as i do.. you just don't have excessive amounts of it in your wardrobe/accessories. or if you do lets be friends. 

well i love you all and hope you enjoyed laughing at me and my obsession with leather. maybe my next post will be about socks, nail polish and rings. 

xoxo jordie.
