missionary - eggsbud

my best friend
is on a mission in 
Indianapolis, Indiana

and I couldn't love him more because of it. 

i don't really know why but i feel like its time that everyone hears our "story" if you can really call it that since it was really quite short. but here it goes. 

my junior year i was best friends with Sarah, Anna, Ashleigh and Candace who were friends with the "bros" the bros included this ginger kid named Ezra. At first I thought he was really shy and the more i got to know him he got more and more outgoing. We were friends but we weren't really that close I mean I didn't have his number so we weren't "official" friends or anything. But then junior year happens and we hang out quite a bit with the rest of our friends.

then graduation 2013 comes and I decided to go to Corner Canyon (which has been the biggest blessing in my life) and my friendship with everyone just kinda stopped because of many reasons. But thats not the story I am telling today. So after graduation I didn't think I would ever see the boys again because they were all leaving on missions. then two Saturdays before school started I get a text saying "hey jordyn its eggsbud." Eggsbud? who the heck was Eggsbud? I was clueless. So the conversation got started and I found out it was Ezra and that he wanted to hang out. Well that night was a movie in the park on the village green. I worked so I went home and changed and headed down there. Everyone kinda had their boyfriends and what not so i told him to come up. not really thinking anything. and he did and we watched the movie. i couldn't tell you what movie it was though i don't remember this that well. but after the movie was over we still wanted to hang out so we went to my house but all my family was asleep so we sat on my front steps and talked for a long time then it started getting a little cold so he got a blanket and i sat there in awe while he sang songs that he wrote. (guys he is a musician, how perfect!) so he played probably every song because i was just so in love with him playing. 

*brace yourself here is the really cute part* 

so hes done playing and he comes and sits next to me and we were cuddling under his blanket and he asked me if he could try something, i say sure. and he holds my hand and we sit there for a little while and talk about who knows what. then he says can i try something else. and i say sure. and he kisses me. 
kay that is from a movie. that's the cutest thing of my life. and i have butterflies just like i did when he kissed me that night. 
but then we are sitting there for awhile longer then his dad calls - he has to come home. When we stood up to say goodnight our knees were literally weak.

*here comes the OF COURSE moment*

the next day i left for California. Summer was over and senior year and schedules had to start again and hang out time would be a minimum. 

a while went by and then he got his mission call. 
Indianapolis Indiana. (When he read it the it was the end of the line on the paper and the first part said India then he continued to read the napolis part - when i talked to him after he said that he was scared when it said India, because he did not want to go there on a mission). So we hang out only a few times due to busy schedules with school and pre-mission family time. then November 6th comes and it sucked because he wasn't just a phone call or text away anymore. he was a letter and email once a week away now. 
the first year of his mission he SUCKED at writing emails/letters. anything involving words he had an issue with. but then his one year mark hit. and something clicked in that man's mind. and we started emailing a lot more. and sending letters and christmas presents and getting surprise christmas call that you all have probably heard about. 

it has been along 14 months without him, and at first a bit rocky but now i can see the blessings that he is getting from being out there. 
its hard. he doesn't lie.
he struggles and gets pushed down but everytime he jumps right back up.
(except when emailing.. he doesn't jump back up from that he slowly gets up but i'm okay with it because the letters have gotten way better)

well there is our story to this point. 
our part 2 will start again on November 2015... approx 10 months from now.

and i couldn't be more excited

xoxo Jordie
