im - ready

you know those moods where you just wish you knew what your life was going to be like in ten years? yeah i'm in one of those. but honestly i just want to know where i am going to be in one year. i already know so much is going to have changed. i will have finished my freshman year college, (i never have to be a freshman again, holla) i will have gone to india. i will have moved out of my apartment, back home for the summer, and back into a new apartment (WITH MADELINE OF COURSE) and have finished my 1st semester of my sophomore year. ezra will be home. i will have gone to india for a second time. 
that i know for a fact but the rest of it that 99.99% of the unknown is just killing me right now. 

i just want to peek into the future real quick take a look and see what its like. 
don't you guys ever wonder that?

what am i going to be like?
will i be fat?
will i be skinny?
will i be smarter?
will i be dumber?
will i have money?
will i be college student broke?
will i still be a lifeguard?
will my blog be cool yet?
will i be in a relationship?
will i still have long hair?
will i be happy?

i always wonder these things. 
like the majority of my day is thinking what the future is. 
don't get me wrong i don't live in the future or in the past. 
i live in the present 
(because its a gift..hahah)

but i just wonder. 

i wonder a lot of things.

like about the galaxies 
and how the earth was even created in the first place?

but when i go that deep my brain starts to hurt and i get a headache.
like right now i am getting one after just typing those questions.

i hope i'm not the only one who wonders these things.

i think i am going to head off to bed now because i have a headache and i have work at 4:30 in the morning. but i am not complaining because its for the children in India and i love them too much to even think of them as a burden. 

also check out my fundraisers i have going right now.
let me know if you are interested in any of them!
