S U M M A - T I M E


this is embarassing.

its been a real struggle finding a minute to myself because this summer I am a headguard 40 hours, a swim teacher 10+ hours, a babysitter at least 10 hours, and house cleaner about 5 hours a week, church for 3, working out at least 7, walking to/from work is at least 3 hours, sleeping for 8 hours each night. That leave me 34 hours. I still have to shower, eat, get ready, do laundry, keep my room clean, do chores, etc. in that time so it comes down to about 24 hours a week that i have to myself. by that time i am exhausted and just get in bed anyways!

This summer is mad crazy.

But last week I got to go disco skating with my friend Katelyn from down in Ephraim. And I also go to go country dancing with Atalee! :) They were both super fun and I LOVED it, So i'm excited to make that like a weekly thing (just ask Chris Brown - I need all the help I can get with dancing, cause I haven't gone in forever since Josh left on his mission and we couldn't go anymore) BUT also I got to hang out with andrea, just to find out she is moving to Midway.. so ya know like an hour away instead of just a quick 20 minute drive.. I mean an hour isn't too long. but I see her rarely as is so this extra 40 minutes is really going to put a damper on things! That's what happens when you get married and work with your husband you have to move for business. So I guess i can be ok with it since I really don't have a say in it! :(

BUT also huge news
Today were a few homecomings, but more and more will be flooding my facebook and instagram feeds with airport pictures and invites to homecoming talks! :) Ahh i'm so excited!

Other news
my birthday is in 2 weeks i turn 20.. I won't be a teenager anymore, but honestly that's all that really happens when you turn 20.

Not much goes on in my life just work, snapchatting tayt to keep our 253 day snap streak alive. and stalking everyone else's super fun summers on social media! cause that's totally a healthy way to live in the summer right!?

Hahah hopefully I do something fun this week, or find a new topic for my blog cause its been suffering A LOT lately!

