| MLK 2014 |

This weekend was pretty interesting on Friday I went to the basketball game. It was pretty great I mean we killed them it was awesome.  Shout out to my girls Keslie and the Lees for getting our free throw cheer to catch on!! We finally got our josh cheer down so it's at least decent and all going the right way!! After that I got a call from cookie,  I was so happy she texted me. We went sledding with Bracken, Kai and Josh.  It wasn't just sledding it was EXTREME sledding an hour hike for a 30ish ride down. It was a blast other than the fact I couldnt breathe going up I had strep that's why it sucked so much. But Bracken liked the fact that I had to stop so much. Once we got to the top we made a fire it was hilarious those 3 guys are some of the funniest guys I've met. Bracken takes the gold though. I mean his cherry comments at sonic were hilarious!!  We started the decent down and it was so much fun I cant even tell you how cool it was!! I started on green bean with Bracken and we were flying like I have never gone that fast sledding ever!! We "stopped" or more like crashed. So fun.  I went down on green bean with Bracken again. This time we crashed into a tree after going over a rock and I felt that one a little more. After that the boys wanted the green bean so I took a terrible sled, that run was horrible.  Then I was back on the green bean this time with Kai. We were so good like I went faster with Kai than with Bracken it was insane!! Then we were at the bottom. We got back to the car around 1:30AM and I didn't get home til 2. But honestly it was the funnest night ever.  I would gladly go again!! Especially with cookie,  Bracken,  Kai and Josh!! 
Saturday I woke up and my arm hurry to move at all and I had a scratch on my face. again. So worth it!! The rest of Saturday was spent in my bed watching netflix!
Sunday I woke up early for youth session of stake conference cause the youth choir was singing,  I love youth choir it's been such a cool experience these past few years.  Then we want at conference,  I wasn't on the screen like I was last year. But it was so great.  Then Sunday night I had a ymad meeting it was so fun. I mean other than cookie freaking out about me being broken and telling everyone how I hurt my arm. It was a fun meeting we got to teach our first lessons,  we got to play with a parachute and color and it was fun.  Then when we started practicing our dance and it didnt go to well cause freaking Jake and blake were laughing at me! But it's whatever our dance is cooler than theirs now. 
Monday I wanted to do something but I got shot down so many times I won't even tell you but Ashley Edwards could so we went to sub zero and honestly had one of the best talks I've had in forever!! I love ashley so much!!
And today I got to finally have a one on one talk with ashley lee again at lunch and it was great I love my best friends!!
Xoxo Jordyn Standage
